I Nostri massaggi

Tui Na Massage

Our Massages
I Nostri massaggi

Tui Na Massage

Our Massages

The Ancient Healing Arts
of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Based on the same principles as acupuncture, Tui Na acts holistically to smooth the flow of Qi in the body. By applying acupressure on meridians, Tui Na allows complete stimulation of the entire muscular and skeletal system, as well as all internal organs. The Tui Na method also includes manual massage techniques of the muscles and tendons of the body.

Tui Na massage: one practice, many benefits

In particular, Tui Na is effective against tension, headache and cephalalgy, insomnia, constipation, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, sciatica, cervicalgia, scapulohumeral periarthritis.
It can be very useful in athletic preparation and in improving physical-sporting performance in general. 
It is also effective for infant and early childhood ailments and diseases: fever, coughs, colds, diarrhoea, constipation, gaseous colic, sleep problems; it acts on specific areas of the child and is very similar to the application of needles for adults. It is of great use in children in the prevention of winter illnesses to strengthen the immune system, for cases of sore throats, recurring otitis or bronchitis and respiratory allergies. 


60/90 min


70/100 €

Benefits of Tui Na Massage

  • Improves blood circulation
  • Eliminates pathogenic factors
  • Removes obstructions, eliminates stasis
  • Improves joint function and helps relax muscles

Welcome kit: disposable towel, slipper, bathrobe, hair clips, headband, hair cap.

info@calidumspa.com – 0187303076

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